This page is a "clearinghouse" for blackboards and other resources collected from undergraduate teaching, a process which has become much easier since Girton College graciously assisted with the purchase of a linux-compatible stylus input!

Oscillations, Waves and Optics

The "Oscillations, waves and optics" course is an ill-conceived collection of engineering concepts, written for 2nd-year undergraduates. There are two important things which are introduced in disguise, namely hyperbolic systems and dispersion. Both of these ideas play a role in actual physics. The small "Experimental methods" course is taught interstitially with this content: the name speaks for itself.

Lecture 6 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 17th November 2022)

Please remember that this one will be online!

Lecture 5 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 10th November 2022)

Lecture 4 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 3rd November 2022)

Lecture 3 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 27th October 2022)

Lecture 2 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 20th October 2022)

Note we did not complete a discussion of the "shunt" modification to ameliorate the low-frequency saturation of the integrator.

Lecture 1 (14:00-16:00 Thursday 13th October 2022)

2022 mock exam

Two of the questions are copied from Tripos papers, one is sprinkled in for extra seasoning.

The blackboard from the post-mock session.

Methods in Theoretical Physics

The "Methods" were meant to be a series of informal discussions within the research group during the period where we had some great summer students with us. They tailed off after only a few weeks, but could perhaps be revivified in 2023 if someone wants to contribute content?

Lecture 4 (Einstein and Jordan frames)

Lecture 3 (conformal field thory)

Lecture 2 (Virasoro algebra)

Lecture 1 (constrained systems)

Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology

The "Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology" course is the Physics Department's idea of applied relativity, presented to fourth-year undergraduates. There are some good patches in the course, which was first constructed many years ago, and it is now improving with continued efforts by Dr. Handley.

Lecture 4

Lecture 3

Note on the "chirp mass"

Note on "optical depth"

Mathematics for Natural Sciences

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Particle and Nuclear Physics

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Thermal and Statistical Physics

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Condensed Matter Physics

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Quantum Physics

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